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我們的人生並非完美無缺,但是 神賜給我們一個恩典,就是在我們裡面有一個不是從天然人而來的信心,使我們可以不(一直)定睛於失敗和痛苦,並且轉向 神的所是 (Who He is)和所做 (What He has done),進而向祂發出讚美。「讚美」是我們要用意志揀選的行動,來宣揚 神的自己並祂大能的作為,把祂當得的榮耀歸給祂。

We can hardly live a perfect life, but we can live a surpassing one with the heavenly faith received through God’s grace. Through faith we will be able to turn our eyes from difficult circumstances and focus on who He is and what He has done. Once we turn our eyes back to God, our praise to Him will flow out of us naturally. However, it is usually not our habit to do so. We ought to exercise our will consciously and intentionally to praise Him. May the Spirit help us to proclaim His name and wonderful deeds, and “ascribe to Him the glory due His name”.

Schedule and Introduction

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Month of Praising - Day 29

第 29 天  約 16:25-33
25「這些事,我是用比喻對你們說的;時候將到,我不再用比喻對你們說,乃要將父明明地告訴你們。 26 到那日,你們要奉我的名祈求;我並不對你們說,我要為你們求父。 27 父自己愛你們;因為你們已經愛我,又信我是從父出來的。28 我從父出來,到了世界;我又離開世界,往父那裏去。」
29 門徒說:「如今你是明說,並不用比喻了。 30 現在我們曉得你凡事都知道,也不用人問你,因此我們信你是從神出來的。」
31 耶穌說:「現在你們信嗎? 32 看哪,時候將到,且是已經到了,你們要分散,各歸自己的地方去,留下我獨自一人;其實我不是獨自一人,因為有父與我同在。 33 我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裏面有平安。在世上,你們有苦難;但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。」
Day 29  John  16:25-33
25 “These things I have spoken to you in figurative language;but the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language,but I will tell you plainly about the Father. 26 In that day you will ask in My name,and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you;27 for the Father Himself loves you,because you have loved Me,and have believed that I came forth from God. 28 I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again,I leave the world and go to the Father.” 29 His disciples said to Him, “See,now You are speaking plainly,and using no figure of speech! 30 Now we are sure that You know all things,and have no need that anyone should question You. By this we believe that You came forth from God.” 31 Jesus answered them, “Do you now believe? 32 Indeed the hour is coming, yes,has now come,that you will be scattered,each to his own,and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone,because the Father is with Me. 33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation;but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
In today's Scriptures in addition to the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus gives further reasons why the disciples should turn their sorrow into joy.
  1. The wonderful promise and privilege of prayer - there would be a new relationship between us and the Father because of His resurrection and ascension. Jesus assured the disciples that a day would soon come when they would pray to the Father in His name; and Jesus would also pray to the Father for us as our High Priest. The promise of the prayers is that the Father loved us and would hear our requests and meet us needs - fully because of what the Son has achieved on the Cross;
  2. to share His victory over the world -  note the contrast between "in Me" and "in the world." In Christ there is peace; in the world there is tribulation. That is what we need to claim when we face the word: we are in Christ, and therefore we have everything we need to overcome the world!
Let there be joy in us and praise to our Lord!

  1. 關於禱告的寶貴應許 - 因著耶穌的復活和升天,我們在天父面前得著了一個全新的地位。我們不僅僅可以奉耶穌的名向天父祈求,耶穌也要為我們求父,而父竟然愛我們,答應這些的請求,從‘而叫我的喜樂可以滿足 - 這一切都是子在十字架上所成就的;
  2. 有份於祂的得勝 - 注意經文中關於“在我裡面”和“在世上”的對比:在我裡面有平安,在世上有苦難。也許我們會像當初的門徒們一樣遭遇苦難,但我們可以放心,我們的主已經勝過了世界,勝過了所有的苦難 - 而如今,我們在祂的裡面!

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