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我們的人生並非完美無缺,但是 神賜給我們一個恩典,就是在我們裡面有一個不是從天然人而來的信心,使我們可以不(一直)定睛於失敗和痛苦,並且轉向 神的所是 (Who He is)和所做 (What He has done),進而向祂發出讚美。「讚美」是我們要用意志揀選的行動,來宣揚 神的自己並祂大能的作為,把祂當得的榮耀歸給祂。

We can hardly live a perfect life, but we can live a surpassing one with the heavenly faith received through God’s grace. Through faith we will be able to turn our eyes from difficult circumstances and focus on who He is and what He has done. Once we turn our eyes back to God, our praise to Him will flow out of us naturally. However, it is usually not our habit to do so. We ought to exercise our will consciously and intentionally to praise Him. May the Spirit help us to proclaim His name and wonderful deeds, and “ascribe to Him the glory due His name”.

Schedule and Introduction

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Month of Praising - Day 24

第 24 天  彌 5:2-4
2 伯利恆的以法他啊,你在猶大諸城中為小,將來必有一位從你那裏出來,在以色列中為我作掌權的;他的根源從亙古,從太初就有。
3 耶和華必將以色列人交付敵人,直等那生產的婦人生下子來。那時掌權者其餘的弟兄必歸到以色列人那裏。
4 他必起來,倚靠耶和華的大能,並耶和華-他神之名的威嚴,牧養他的羊羣。他們要安然居住;因為他必日見尊大,直到地極。
Day 24  Micah  5:2-4
2 “But you,Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth are from of old,
From everlasting.”
3 Therefore He shall give them up,
Until the time that she who is in labor has given birth;
Then the remnant of His brethren
Shall return to the children of Israel.
4 And He shall stand and feed His flock
In the strength of the Lord,
In the majesty of the name of the Lord His God;
And they shall abide,
For now He shall be great
To the ends of the earth;

1 comment:

  1. 從小小的伯利恆城裡生出那位一切受造之物的君王。祂不但要倚靠耶和華的大能並威嚴來執掌王權,祂更是一位好牧人餵養並看顧他的羊羣。這是我們的彌賽亞:充滿能力卻是溫柔,至尊至大卻極其謙和,信靠祂的人必住在不可動搖的平安裡!讚美我們的 神!

    From the little town of Bethlehem came forth THE KING of all creation. Not only would He rule in the strength and majesty of the Lord, but also be the good shepherd feeding and caring for His flock. This is our Messiah – the mightiest yet the most gentle, the greatest yet the most humble. Those who trust in Him shall abide in His unshakable peace. Praise the Lord!
